More Accurate Approach for Adsorbate Thermophysical Properties
Microkinetic modeling has become increasingly popular for predicting reaction
networks in heterogeneous catalysis. The accuracy of adsorbate thermophysical
properties is an important aspect of a microkinetic mechanism, as these
properties need to be thermodynamically consistent, and the reaction
equilibrium constants require accurate free energies of adsorbates. As we
transition into the exascale, advanced methods that require a lot of
computational power become relevant and useful tools to considerably improve
chemical process predictions.
We propose a classical Monte Carlo phase space integration (PSI) approach for
obtaining accurate thermophysical properties of adsorbates, and initially
assess the method here on a H atom on a Cu(111) surface. We produce training
data for the potential energy surface of the system by performing ensemble
DFT calculations on Argonne National Laboratory’s Theta system. Two
different sampling schema for training data generation are presented. A
minima-preserving neural network (MP-NN) is constructed from the training
data and used within the PSI routine to obtain the partition function, from
which the thermodynamic properties are directly derived. The results are
benchmarked against direct state counting results, acquired with discrete
variable representation.
We found that contributions of translational anharmonicity are significant
for H on Cu(111). The PSI approach is in excellent agreement with a quantum
state counting benchmark over the temperature range of interest, especially
compared to the most commonly used models, the harmonic oscillator (HO) and
the free translator (FT). The free energy of dissociative adsorption of H2
was calculated from the results, as well as the Langmuir isotherms at 400,
800 and 1200 K in a partial pressure range of 0-1 bar. It shows that surface
coverages depend heavily on the model used for obtaining the free energy, as
the anharmonic effects lead to significantly higher predicted surface site
fractions of hydrogen.
Our method has been implemented in our open-source phase space integration
code, AdTherm. The method is to be extended for multiatomic adsorbates and
will be a part of the Sandia National Laboratories’ ECC computational
framework for automated chemistry, a broader effort to provide accurate
microkinetic mechanisms.